Goals and Objectives

We implement the project specified in Project 4 with some modifications. We have made two modifications: one minor for computational reason and the other a crucial one. The modifications we made to the project plan are:
  1. We will use only three satellite stations instead of four to reduce the computation burden on the tracker.
  2. The major modifications that we made is our plan of moving the robots in circles. In stead of making the robots move in a concentric circle without colliding with each other we made them form a "V" shape from any arbitrary placement.
Moving in a precise concentric circle is difficult as it requires precise position and orientation for each of the satellites.

In Section Base-station we will describe the implemented components of the base-station in detail.

We will then describe the implementation of satellite stations in Section Satellite-station.

A major challenge we identified in Section Challenges in the specification is the ability to precisely compute the world points of satellite stations. In Section Kinect Tracker we will explain how we implemented this component in our project.

We will next briefly evaluate the deliverables of this project and its extent of success toward implementing the specification in Section Discussion. We will end this report with our plan to implement the original project goals and deploy the satellite stations as physical platforms for laser and LED lights to create visual displays.

Figure 1 shows our complete system.

Complete System

Figure 1: Kinect object tracker, and satellite stations. The workstation of the tracker is not shown in this figure.