This RTOS creates and initializes stack memory during the initialization. The
RTOS maintains a pool of stacks anticipating future demands for memory. When a task is
created the RTOS simply returns an already initialized memory location. In addition,
when a task dies, the RTOS returns the memory location to the pool.
for ( i = 0; i < MAXPROCESS-1; ++i){
TASK_DESCRIPTORS[i].task_state = DEAD;
The above listing shows the memory pool initialization for tasks. And, the following
listing shows the task context creation code.
/* Task terminate after */
new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-1] = (uint8_t) (uint16_t) Task_Terminate;
new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-2] = (uint8_t) ( (uint16_t) Task_Terminate >> 8);
/* address of the task */
new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-3] = (uint8_t) (uint16_t) kernel_task_create_args.f;
new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-4] = (uint8_t) ( (uint16_t) kernel_task_create_args.f >> 8);
/* r31 is saved first in stack[MAXSTACK-5] */
/* SREG is saved in stack[MAXSTACK-6] */
new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-6] = _BV(SREG_I);
/* r1 is the zero register */
new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-37] = (uint8_t) 0;
/* r0 is at new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-37] */
/* stack pointer now should point to new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-38] */
new_task->sp = &(new_task->stack[MAXSTACK-38]);
/* for memory protection
four bytes will be written with special bit patterns.
If these patterns are over written then stack
overflow has occurred. Not a full-proof method.
new_task->stack[3] = 0b01010101;
new_task->stack[2] = 0b11001100;
new_task->stack[1] = 0b00110011;
new_task->stack[0] = 0b10101010;